
Self-Care Helps Your Relationships: Good Things Utah

So often in relationships, we are aware of the other person's needs and work to fulfill them. While this is a wonderful trait, it can lead to burnout if we chronically neglect ourselves. Here are some self-care tips that actually help strengthen our relationships with others:

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How To Cope As A Solo Parent: Studio 5

We often hear of the challenges that single parents have, but another group sometimes get overlooked: solo parents are those who are not divorced or widowed but carry a very large portion of the family load because their spouse is often away. Whether it's due to military service, religious commitments, or irregular work hours, many parents (women in particular) find themselves shouldering the bulk of the home and family responsibilities. Here are some strategies to cope as a solo parent: 

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How To Support A Spouse With Mental Illness

In any given year, 1 in 5 Americans experiences mental illness of some kind (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.). Clearly, this is an issue that affects a great deal of us, particularly the loved ones of those suffering. And mental illness is more than just an individual problem; it is a family concern. Here are some ways to support a spouse or partner with mental illness:

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Assertiveness & Women's Sexuality: Mormon Sex Info Podcast

Sometimes Mormon culture seems to perpetuate the idea that women exist solely as a helpmeet or support person for others (namely their husband and children). We often define ourselves in relation to other people, and while it's wonderful to be focused on relationships, we may unintentionally begin to lose sight of own selves. When it comes

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Mormon Culture and The Problem of Assertiveness: A Thoughtful Faith Podcast

Mormon Culture and The Problem of Assertiveness: A Thoughtful Faith Podcast

As a therapist, one of my favorite things to observe and write about is the intersection of religious beliefs and mental/emotional health. That's why I was so excited to sit down with Gina Colvin of "A Thoughtful Faith" podcast and discuss Mormon culture in terms of assertiveness, specifically challenges LDS women may experience when it comes to being assertive. Here are some of the main themes from our conversation:

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