New Twist on New Year's Resolution

Ta Da List Julie Hanks

Pick up the latest issue of Wasatch Woman Magazine for my relationship article "New Year's Resolutions: Try a "Ta Da" List." It’s that time of year. The time when to-do lists get pulled out and we add to them our resolutions for the new year. Too frequently though, by February 1, our list of good intentions has been relegated to the junk drawer due to failed attempts and we’e left feeling down on ourselves or—worse yet—guilty for what we didn't do.

What if the answer to avoiding the guilt was to simplify and not make a to-do list? You’re probably asking yourself, “How can you reach a New Year’s resolution if you don’t write it down? Isn’t that the first rule of goal setting?”

Well, don’t panic. Writing down things to do and ways to improve can be a helpful tool in becoming who you want to be. But the trouble with to-do lists is not that we use them, it's how we use them.

Let me know what you think! What are your New Year's Resolutions?


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