God In Therapy Interview on PsychCentral.com

Since I work with so many religious clients I was delightful to participate in this interview on the topic of God in Therapy with CR & Richard Zwolinski, LMHC, CASAC who host the Therapy Soup Blog. Here's the first Q & A in the interview titled "God in Therapy: Songwriter & Psychotherapist Julie Hanks Shatters Stereotypes."

Q: "We’re the first to say our own view may be somewhat limited due to lack of exposure and we don’t want to fall guilty of stereotyping, so can you reflect a bit on Mormon culture in general?”

A: Unfortunately, much of the media coverage on Mormon extremists, like Warren Jeffs for example, aren’t actually even Mormon and in no way represent Mormon culture or lifestyle. Most practicing Mormon’s are fiercely dedicated to taking care of their families. They also generously donate time and resources, are conscientious community members, and genuinely trying to make the world better."

Read the entire PsychCentral interview HERE


Quoted in AOLHealth today on Teens, weight, & depression


Quoted in MSN.com Article “Recess Rascals”