Your 2012 Practice Vision: WHY Do You Do What You Do?

rubber stamp handle question markAs therapists we 're skilled at talking about what we do ("I'm a play therapist who works with children", or "I help older adults improve their mental health"), and how we do it ("I use DBT, EMDR, and CBT" or "I help clients work through resistance to change through psychodynamic therapy"), but we don't often talk clearly about why we do what we do.I was recently introduced to this video by author, business guru, and optimist Simon Sinek a few months ago and found it to be incredibly inspiring and clarifying. It reaffirms that " why" is crucial to personal and business success. I wanted to share it with you as we begin 2012 to help you clarify your practice vision for the year.Here's my "why" for my therapy practice:I believe that loving and accepting relationships have incredible healing power.Here's my "why" for private practice toolbox and consulting:I believe that doing what you love professionally is crucial to having an amazing quality of life. I believe that working part-time and making a full-time income is within every therapist's reach.According to Sinek, your "why" is the most important aspect of running a successful business, or in our world, our private practice."People buy why you do what you do." --Simon SinekTake several minutes and watch this video clip. It will inspire you to take action.So what your "why" for 2012?Do potential clients get to know your "why" when they visit your website, or are you solely focused on the "what" & "how"?Post your practice "why" in the comment box below. Can't wait to hear from you!Creative Commons License photo credit: Leo Reynolds


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What A Great Way To Start 2012!