What A Great Way To Start 2012!

On Dec. 31, 2011, a day I was really struggling emotionally (yes, therapists struggle, too), I received a message on Facebook. This thoughtful expression of gratitude lifted my heavy heart and reassured me that my efforts are in some small way making a difference for good in the world. That's all I can hope for. Welcome 2012.____________________________________________"Dear Julie,  I can't end this year without sharing my story and thanking you for the role that you played in it. As a child I survived horrible traumas that I suppressed until adulthood. The beginning of this year I knew that I needed help and prayed for guidance on how to get the help that I needed. You have always been one of my favorite LDS artists and in May you posted a song on your Facebook page. I can't remember who sang it or the name of the song, but it mentioned that sometimes crying can be so healing. That night for the first time since the trauma, I allowed myself to cry and mourn what had happened to me. It felt so healing. It gave me the courage to seek help from Wasatch Family Therapy and I began therapy with Melanie Davis. She is exactly what I needed and is amazing. I am so excited to say that I am doing so well right now and I feel like I have my life back. I can't even begin to thank you for the difference you have made in my life. I am a survivor and know that I can accomplish anything. I hope that you have a wonderful 2012...I know that I will."___________________________________________________The song she's referring to is "Blessings" by Laura Story -  a song I wish I'd written.


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