Ask Julie: Mother-in-law Passed Away and Left Us $50,000 In Debt

Q: To start off I was best friends with my wife's mother. She took me in and gave me a family. Within the last 2 years both my wife's mother and grand father passed away. My wife and I lived with them before we got married.We ended up getting married twice, once in a church and once in my mother in law's room at the nursing home. She was 46 years old when she died and it happened this past march.Since then I have found that we have tons of money to pay out in inheritance tax and to her medical bills if we want to keep our house. My wife has stopped doing anything around the house and she won't go do any of the legal things that need to be done by her.How can I get her more motivated without hurting her feelings and how can I keep my sanity though out all of this. I don't really know what to do to get myself motivated to be happier.

A: I am so sorry to hear about your recent family losses and financial difficulties. You've both lost two important support people, and while they can't be replaced, it important for you and your wife to get additional support during this difficult time. While grieving is different for every person, it seems that your wife's grieving may have turned into depression. Her "lack of motivation" and difficulty functioning may not be something she can control at this point.  Your difficulty being happy is also concerning to me and I recommend that both of you get an assessment for depression by a mental health professional. I also want to encourage you to seek out a grief counselor to help you process your losses, and a grief group so you can talk with other families who are going through similar experiences. To find a therapist and a group in your area click here.In addition to mental health support, please seek professional advice on your legal and financial matters surrounding your mother-in-law's passing, if you haven't already done so. Tax issues and liability for medical bills can be complex and very stressful.Thank you again for writing.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW


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