5 Ways To Be A Happier Parent: KSL TV News

Secret #1: Take time for yourself An hour away, a night out with girlfriends — make sure you save some time to call your own. Take time to recharge and take better care of those you love.Secret #2: Find meaning in the mundaneWhether you're a stay-at-home mom or working, part-time or full-time, finding a greater purpose in the day-to-day tasks can add more joy to your life.Secret #3: Remember your marriageTaking time to nurture your marriage or love relationship is important to maintaining happiness. Regular date nights and nightly emotional check-in time with your partner add to a sense of closeness and intimacy.Secret #4: Take care of your healthPhysically healthy people are generally happier. A pattern of physical activity, good nutrition and regular sleep patterns not only helps improve your mood and outlook, but it also provides your family with a positive example of a healthy lifestyle.Secret #5: Daily "get to"Raising a child can be so overwhelming and all-consuming that it's easy to let your talents and hobbies fall by the wayside. Holding on to at least one talent, activity or interest can help you remember that you're an individual in addition to being a mother.

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