Join Me For Live WSJ Chat Today! Bragging In The Facebook Age

StatusPick up Tues. Wall Street Journal and check out the "Bonds" column by Elizabeth Bernstein or read it online Are We All Braggarts Now?.

I've been invited to participating in a live chat because...well...not to brag or anything, but I'm quoted in the article (said with utmost humility). I'd love to have hear your thoughts on the topic. How do you distinguish sharing good news with bragging? Why do some people come off as braggarts while others don't?

DATE: Tuesday 8/14/12TIME: 11:30AM ET / 10:30AM CT / 9:30 AM MT / 8 :30AM PTPLACE: Here's the chat link Bragging in the Facebook Age.If you don't see this in time to chime in, you can read the transcript after the fact.Creative Commons License photo credit:


Bragging in the Facebook Age: Join Me For Live WSJ Chat Today


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