4 Tips For Thinking Like A Student Again: PsychCentral Interview

Are you or your kids having a hard time shifting into study mode as summer draws to a close? I chatted with PsychCentral writer Margarita Tartakovsky, MS offering some advice for students on how to make the transition from summer fun to hitting the books. I offer 4 suggestions for students and share what I'm doing to shift back into student mode. I just completed my first week as a PhD student!Here's what I share with Margarita about my own transition...Hanks isn’t just sharing her advice. She’s also taking it. She’s heading back to school this month to pursue her doctorate. These are a few of the ways she’s preparing for her program. Maybe they’ll inspire you, as well.

  • She purchased her school’s sweatshirt. Hanks is attending the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM) to receive a PhD in Marriage & Family Therapy. It’s an online program. So the sweatshirt is a tangible symbol of her student status.
  • She adjusted her commitments. As she said, “I have shifted my priorities and commitments to allow for time to devote to my studies. I’m seeing fewer clients. I’ve blocked out chunks of time from work and family responsibilities so I can study.”
  • She’s staying involved. According to Hanks, “I visit the website often to look at my schedule, check student email, get updates from professors so I can continue to prepare. In fact, I just checked before writing this and one of my professors sent the list of three textbooks that I will now go online and order.”

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