Ask Julie: Best Friend Hallucinates His Ex Turns Into Me

[dc]Q[/dc] What does it mean when my best friend tells me he has hallucinations, when he hangs out with his ex girlfriend, where she literally turns into me for a few minutes, and then turns back into herself? I'm starting to worry about his sanity. And at the same time, am curious as to why it's ME his brain turns her into. Another friend of mine who doesn't even know my best friend, is trying to convince me that this is happening because my BFF is "inlove with me". If it were this simple I wouldn't be so concerned. I know for a fact that this is not the case. Have you ever heard of this happening before? And if so, what are some reasons for WHY it happens? Also, could something be triggering these hallucinations?[dc]A[/dc]: Encourage your friend to get a mental health evaluation to rule out any mental illness. Since I have very little information as to what your friend is labeling a hallucination, it's difficult to tell what it means. I have some questions for your friend. Does he use any substances? Are other triggers or situations that accompany his ex-girlfriend "turning" into you? Watch the video below for my full response...Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks LCSW


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