Is Public Shaming Good or Bad Parenting?

I chatted with Lori and Scott, KSL Morning news anchors to discuss my concerns about new parenting trend, public shaming.Public shaming is when parents punish their teens bad behavior through humiliating them in public. Whether it's holding up a sign on a street corner that says she disrespected her parents by twerking at a dance, or acknowledging bad grades, stealing, or other bad choices, public punishment will likely backfire and not get the results that parents are hoping for.Parents may be inadvertently encouraging their teens poor choices by directing intense media attention to their bad behavior. This concerning parenting trend doesn't help teach the child what behavior the parent wants and why the positive behavior is better. Shame a child in public or private sends a message that the child is bad, instead of that their behavior is bad.Too often the parent's outrageous behavior becomes the focus of attention, instead of attending to and teaching the child.So, what is a frustrated parent to do? Instead of public shaming and humiliation try this:1. Focus on your relationship with your child. Use your relationship to discuss the values that matter to your family and why their behavior isn't in line with those values.2. Give consequences that encourage positive behaviors, like volunteering, and make a positive difference.What do you think? Is public shaming is ever a good strategy?


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