What's Your Holiday Burnout Cure? #BurnoutCure Book Giveaway

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration...and stress! Parties and family gatherings, finding that perfect gift for loved ones, decorating and other joyful parts of Christmas celebrations can leave many women feeling burned out! Self-care often gets put on the back burner during the holidays in order to meet our own and other's expectations.Here are a few things I do to prevent holiday burnout:

  1. I give myself permission NOT to attend every gathering my family is invited to attend (even if we want to go).
  2. I schedule down time to nap, read, get a pedicure, or relax in a hot tub.
  3. I make sure I maintain some kind of physical activity.
  4. Find joy in giving!

So...I want to give away 3 Burnout Cure books this weekTo enter:

  1. Post your holiday burnout cure tip in the comments below
  2. Share this post on social media & invite your friends to share their Burnout Cure (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linked In...)
  3. I'll randomly pick 3 winners this Friday (12/20/13)!

Now it's your turn to share your holiday self-care tips to prevent burnout!Purchase The Burnout Cure online


StrengtheningMarriage.com #BurnoutCure Book Review


Light a Candle