Ask Julie: I Have No Self-Esteem

[dropcap]Q:[/dropcap]I've come to realize for the last fifteen years that I have no self esteem, and I try to accomplish tasks that are far too difficult to make me feel slightly okay and keep myself non-suicidal. And when I fail, I feel so terrible; like I want to die.I'm not a suicidal person. I'm not, I just have issues with my self-esteem. I have had problems with bullying for many, many years, and only have friends over the internet, not in real life. This has resulted in my low self-esteem, I think.To make myself get through a day and feel half decent, I try to accomplish a task. However, when I fail at this task, I feel completely worthless.  My family doesn't care, and I don't have anyone to turn to on this matter. Can you please help me?

[dropcap]A:[/dropcap] I am so sorry to hear of your pain over the last 15 years. If you've been bullied for years it makes sense that your self-esteem would become very fragile. I suggest that you get into therapy, particularly group therapy, to start expanding your relationships and learn how to trust. Please take a few minutes to watch the rest of my response in the video below...Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW


Boost Self-Esteem to Improve Relationships: Huff Post Interview


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