Ask Julie: My Anxiety Is Hurting My Relationships

[dropcap]Q:[/dropcap]All my life, I have never been able to do what i like to do for the fear of being judged by other people. It has come to such a point that I cannot think for myself; it always has to be "if I do this, what will others think?"I have good friends who keep advising me to be more social, but my fear gets the better of me. I haven't had a serious relationship in a long time. I am scared if that if I keep being such an introvert, I'll end up with no life. I have lost all sense of emotions in the last few months and am becoming desperate for companionship and just to be accepted.

[dropcap]A:[/dropcap] Thank you for writing in. I wish I could talk to you to clarify how long this has been going on. I do have a few thoughts, though. You may have developed social phobia or another form of anxiety disorder. What you’re describing sounds like more than just simply being introverted. I really think you should get some help from a professional. Watch the video for the rest of this answer.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW


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