
4 Ways To Offer A Sincere Apology: Good Things Utah

Developing a close and healthy relationship with a romantic partner inevitably means that at times, both individuals will take missteps. While it's normal to make mistakes, the way we respond to our own actions and words can either strengthen or detract from the relationship. When you find that you've said or done something wrong, here are some strategies to offer a sincere and meaningful apology: 

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Are Your Thoughts Sabotaging Your Relationship?: Good Things Utah

Have you ever tried to mind read someone or were convinced you understood their feelings without even asking them? If you do this in your primary relationship, your thoughts may be sabotaging things! Here is a quick strategy to make sure your thoughts aren't hurting your relationship.

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How to Achieve Emotional Intelligence in Marriage: Good Things Utah

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize emotion and to use it to improve your life and your relationships. It is truly one of the most important skills you can develop as a human being, and yet it's not something we seem to talk about very often. Here are some ways to work to achieve Emotional Intelligence in your marriage. 

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How to Have A Tough Conversation: Good Things Utah

If you have any kind of close relationship, you've almost certainly experienced needing to have a tough conversation. Maybe it's about children, in-laws, unmet expectations, but when concerns arise (and they do), you need to talk about it. But when emotions are high and there's a lot at stake, things can quickly get derailed. Inspired by my research, personal experiences, and my years as a clinician, I've developed an acronym that can be used as a tool to navigate these difficult discussions. It's called "OSCAR."

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