Mormon Mom Asks "How Do I Respond to My 3 Yr Old Masturbating?"

Q: When my son was just 2 I found him humping his hands just after a nap. I was shocked but knew enough about the negative effects of shaming that I didn't freak out or scold him. I spent the next year just kindly distracting him away from self pleasuring. When I'd find him (always after waking up) I'd avoid saying anything in words because I didn't know WHAT to say that would be appropriate and positive.

He's 3 now and he's starting to masturbate more in the open (like on our bedroom floor after we've all come in to say good morning to each other). This morning when he started up with it I tried my distraction method and when that didn't work I said to him, "Our private parts are special. Please don't play with your penis". He then replied "Mom, don't talk to me right now. I want to play with my 'potty parts'." I thought, "Wow, I clearly need more advice on how to approach this!"I've read a few articles and professional opinions online that say "it's normal to do, just educate them to do it in private". I am on board with recognizing that he's not doing it to be naughty or sexual, but at the same time, as a member of the LDS/Mormon faith, I want to teach him that his body and private parts are special and being pleasured is a great thing that he will share with someone he loves later in life. Is that the wrong perspective? I'm very interested on hearing the perspective of an LDS therapist. I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Here's my response:http://drjuliehanks.local/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/mormon-masturbation-3-yr-old-Q-Ask-Dr.-Julie-Hanks-to-post.mp3Ask Dr. Julie HanksHave a question you'd like me to answer? Submit it hereSave(c) Can Stock Photo / MadhourseSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave


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