Valuing Your Contribution: She's Simply Amazing Podcast

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Carrie Brinton about women's contributions to society and to their families.

In working with women for over 20 years, I have noticed that we often grossly undervalue the work we do. Whether in our homes or in the workplace, it's easy to downplay or diminish the labor we perform. This is primarily because in our culture, unpaid care work is not seen or appreciated at the same level as paid work. One way to shift this paradigm is to require partnerships in our families so that chores are not just mom's responsibility.

I encourage all women to reclaim their value and understand that they matter just as much as anyone else. In your family, your relationships, your church, or your career, your voice is as important as anyone else's. In the same way that we honor our commitments to other people, we need to practice self-care and prioritize getting our own needs met.

Listen to the full conversation above!


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