How can I allow myself to be vulnerable and let people help me?: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Julie Hanks coaches Jenny and addresses the question, “How do I embrace vulnerability and let people help me?” We all grow up with wounds because we have human parents. When we don’t get validation for who we are, what we think, and what we feel growing up, it can show up in adulthood as not feeling good enough. 

During this episode, Dr. Hanks guides Jenny through beginning to identify where feelings of insecurity may be coming from, and how to give “little Jenny” the validation, love, and support she deserves. It’s normal to care about how other people view you or feel about you as long as it’s balanced with what you think and feel and believe about you. Other people’s opinions shouldn’t have more weight than your own. 

Grieving and Healing Unmet Childhood Needs

Overcoming Insecurities

Overcoming Insecurities Free Printable Worksheet

If you have found this information helpful, you can find additional resources on this topic in my podcast, my online courses, and through new events each month. Connect with me on social media @drjuliehanks and at For therapy in Utah visit


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