Ask Julie: Is Talk Of My Parents' Divorce Causing Depression?

[dropcap]Q:[/dropcap] My life was fine until I was in seventh grade. My parents were alright, , until one night they told my siblings and me that my mom was thinking about divorce. They were constantly fighting. That single night brought everything down. Since my parents were fighting all the time, my father would get drunk and start talking without knowing he was hurting my feelings. One night, he almost hit my sister and my mom, and that marked my whole life. I almost didn't make it through eight grade because I would just think about my parents and how their marriage was going to end. It is not very pleasant to see your mom and dad so sad. 

[dropcap]A:[/dropcap]Thanks for writing in about this very difficult situation. How scary to not know what's going to happen with your parents' marriage, and also feeling scared of your dad when he drinks. Please reach out to your parents and ask if you can see a therapist. If they aren't supportive of therapy, then I suggest that you talk with a school counselor. Watch this video to hear additional suggestions.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW


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