How can I make more friends as an introvert?: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks

In this episode, I coach Sophie and address the question, “How can I make more friends as an introvert?” Whether we are introverts or extroverts, we are responsible for getting our social needs met, and we are often the one who has to reach out to others.

During this episode, I guide Sophie through identifying why she may feel uncomfortable finding friends in large social gatherings and how her history of moving frequently as a child may be impacting her today. Even when you feel the fear, do it anyway, and friendships will begin to develop.

If you are interested in this topic, here is a blog post of mine that you will find helpful:

If you have found this information helpful, you can find additional resources on this topic in my podcast and my online courses. Connect with me on social media @drjuliehanks and work with me through joining DJH membership at For therapy in Utah visit


How can I deal with my child’s mental health struggles without becoming burned out myself?: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks


From the Mouth of Babes: Idealization of Motherhood with Dr. Julie Hanks