From the Mouth of Babes: Idealization of Motherhood with Dr. Julie Hanks

I recently had the opportunity to talk with Dana and Cara, hosts of the From the Mouth of Babes podcast. We spoke about the dangers of idealizing motherhood and how mothers can prioritize care for themselves.

Idealizing motherhood is a dangerous practice that leads to disappointment, pain, and unmet expectations. We need to value it instead of idealize it. When we put motherhood on a pedestal, we increase the disconnect between women, increase comparisons, and foster a sense of loneliness within ourselves.

During our time together I suggest that motherhood should be viewed as a relationship rather than a role. When we think of motherhood as a role, it comes with a never ending list of things we are supposed to do in order to be a good mom. Relationships, on the other hand, allow you to be your authentic self. After all, our children don’t need perfect moms; they need moms who connect with them and support them.

You can listen to our conversation by clicking below. And, if you are interested in learning more about this topic, you can listen to my TEDx talk about the dangers of idealizing motherhood.


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