Ask Dr. Julie Hanks About All The Things: Widow We Do Now Podcast?

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Anita and Mel, hosts of Widow We Do Now Podcast, about self-care. Self-care (often mistaken for selfishness) is doing what’s in your best interest with regard for others. Selfishness, on the other hand, is doing what’s in your best interest without regard for others. It’s taking care of your own needs regardless of the impact your actions have on others.

How do we know if we’re doing self-care or avoiding doing things that need to be done? Avoidance is not necessarily self-care. It can be, but the two are not always the same. Sometimes practicing self-care to avoid doing something else is just fine, so it’s about knowing yourself and what really fills you.

Listen to the conversation above! For more on this topic, check out my most popular articles on self-care.


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