Your frequently asked questions: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks

In this bonus podcast episode, I sit down and answer eight of your most frequently asked questions. Listen to see how I answer questions like:

  • I want another child, but my husband does not. How do we navigate this?

  • How do I keep a good relationship with my parents while pursuing my authentic life’s path, even if that path may hurt them?

  • How do my partner and I work together if I leave the Church and he stays?

  • What are some strategies I can use to work through aspirational shame?

Here’s an excerpt from today’s episode:

Question: What are some strategies i can use to actively work through aspirational shame?

One thing you can do is seek personal revelation for what God’s path is for you. You can also get mentors and support from other groups of women who have similar interests. You want to be around women who normalize having aspirations outside of home and family. And that doesn’t mean instead of home and family. You can have both!
Look for role models: women who have created a life that looks like a life that you would like. Ask them a lot of questions. And then pursue your dreams and see what happens!

Have you ever thought, “I want to ask Dr. Julie Hanks a question”? Well, now’s your chance! I want to have you on my podcast! Click here to fill out this form and tell me your question. I might just pick you to be on the podcast and receive a free coaching session.


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How do I handle the fear of temporal and eternal consequences if I leave the Church?: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks