How to Know if Therapy is Actually Working: Forbes

“Therapy is a wonderful tool for healing and self-development. But when you're new to therapy, it's common to feel apprehension and uncertainty as you're essentially navigating unchartered territory. One of the most basic things you might wonder when starting therapy is how to figure out if it's really working.”

Whether you’re attending therapy for the first time or are a seasoned therapy-goer, you’ve probably wondered a time or two whether your therapy sessions are actually making a difference.

So, how can you tell if therapy is actually working for you? I recently helped writers at Forbes answer this question. Here are a few things I had to say:

  1. In therapy, "it's very common for symptoms to worsen before you start to feel better because difficult feelings will likely emerge in the therapy process." So don’t give up!

  2. You’ll be in better control of your emotions. This includes identifying and expressing them.

  3. Your thinking will shift to enjoying the present, not worrying about the future.

  4. You’ll be kinder and more compassionate to yourself.

  5. You and your therapist will have a connection.

I also share some ideas for how you can track your progress as you attend therapy:

  1. Pick a target issue you want to work on. Over time, you’ll be able to see your progress in this specific area.

  2. Talk with your therapist to learn how they are going to track your progress. Ask them to share how you are doing throughout your time together. "Don't be afraid to ask questions. You should know what your treatment goals are and your therapist's plan to accomplish them."

  3. Keep a therapy journal to track your thoughts and feelings.

And some ideas for how to get the most out of your sessions, including:

  1. Research your therapist. “Make sure they are well-qualified to help you.”

  2. Be honest with your therapist about how you feel your sessions are going and about your goals and expectations.

  3. Practice what you learn in your sessions during your everyday life.

  4. Don’t give up if progress is taking longer than you expected.

Click here to read the full article and see what other mental health experts and I have to say about this topic.

If you are interested in starting therapy in Utah, my team at Wasatch Family Therapy is looking forward to working with you. For coaching, join my membership or schedule a coaching session today.


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