Good Things Utah: Dr. Julie Hanks Shares Tips for Parents with LGBTQ Youth

This week I was a guest on Good Things Utah, where I shared ten things parents can say to their LGBTQ children when they come out. It can be scary for a child to come out to their parents. The moment needs to be about supporting them. It is a time to react with love, not with lecturing and fear.

Here are ten simple, meaningful things to say to a child who comes out:

  1. I love you.

  2. You are brave.

  3. I trust you.

  4. I am here for you.

  5. I am proud of you.

  6. I respect you.

  7. Thank you for being you.

  8. I’ll always have your back.

  9. I support you and your choices.

  10. I want to learn more about your experience.

When a child comes out, focus on your relationship. Your relationship is more important than anything else. Help your child feel supported and loved. Suicide rates among our LGBTQ youth are far too high; life and your relationship with your child matter far more than anything else.

Click here to watch my full interview.


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