Guest Appearance: What Now Podcast: Redefining Modest with Dr. Julie Hanks

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Mary Alice Hatch on her podcast What Now. We talked about all things modesty, especially how we can redefine modesty in our daily lives. 

The Church’s website defines modesty as “an attitude of propriety and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior.” Modesty is much more than just the way that women dress, but that is often what we boil it down to. In addition to making modesty something that both men and women are responsible for, of the biggest things that we can do to combat modesty culture is refrain from judgment. We are not responsible for judging other people. In fact, the scriptures tell us judging is something that we are strictly not supposed to do! 

You can listen to our conversation by clicking below.


Bonus Episode: Live podcast celebrating 100,000 downloads!: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks


5 Problems and Solutions on How We Teach Modesty: Good Things Utah