Managing Disappointment and Unmet Expectations: The Mother Trucking Truth Podcast

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Jacey Bibeau and Mary Owen, hosts of The Mother Trucking Truth Podcast, about managing disappointment and unmet expectations. In my work I have met with many women who feel disappointments as mothers, and this expectation is often due to idealizing motherhood and creating unrealistic expectations. We’re set up from the beginning for disappointment at every turn.

This is a journey and things will evolve. You do not have control over what happens to you, your family, choices other people make or choices your children make. A great way to set ourselves up for success is setting more realistic expectations of growth rather than perfection.

Listen to the conversation above! For more on this topic, check out my Rediscovering Yourself While Mothering course.


How can I find peace and contentment in things I cannot change?: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks


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