Navigating Personal Beliefs Within Religious Contexts and Maintaining Relationships: Guest Appearance on Between Us Podcast

Dr. Julie Hanks speaking with two hosts of Between Us Podcast. They're sitting on sofas in a casual home setting.

Dr. Julie Hanks recently appeared as a guest on the Between Us Podcast. Together, they discussed how to maintain relationships with different views and how to navigate personal beliefs within religious contexts.

Julie discussed how she is often accused of trying to lead people out of the church. This was her response.

I don’t care if people are in or out of the church. I care about people’s mental health and the impact of these things on relationships. I’m told that if I don’t bear my testimony, then I’m leading people astray.
As a professional, I don’t have an agenda to keep people in the church or lead people out. That’s a personal decision. What I want to do is speak out about things that are unhealthy for your mental and emotional health and your relationships.
— Dr. Julie Hanks

They continued their conversation by discussing myths vs. truths with many popular beliefs members of the Latter-day Saint Church hold, handling faith transitions with family members, growing up in Utah as a non-member, and more.

To listen to their entire discussion click here or watch in the video player below.

How to Work with Dr. Julie Hanks

Julie offers support for women worldwide. She holds monthly group coaching calls in her group coaching community, various workshops throughout the year, and one-on-one coaching.


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