Lose the Guilt about Hiring Household Help: Studio 5

Lose the guilt about hiring household help

Self and Relationship Expert Julie Hanks, LCSW, Owner and Director of Wasatch Family Therapy, shares tips for losing the guilt about hiring out some tasks at home or work.

Do you take on more responsibility and commitments than you can handle? Have you ever felt like you should do all of the household chores, or do you take responsibility to tie up all of the loose ends at work? Have you considered hiring out some of the tasks? Often, the thought of allowing other people to do what you believe is your responsibility can bring up feelings of guilt and inadequacy. My personal philosophy is: do what you love, figure out how to make money doing what you love, and then hire out everything else. Understand the tasks and roles in your life where you are irreplaceable and where are you replaceable, and hire out the replaceable tasks. 

Tips to lose the guilt:

1) Think more like a man

A few years ago, when I was feeling overwhelmed at home and at work. My therapy practice was growing and I felt stretched too thin. The thought occurred to me, "What would a man do in this situation?" I decided instead of finding a part-time babysitter I would change the job description to part-time "home assistant" who would do laundry, cook, dishes, errands, or whatever else needed to be done to keep the household going on the days I worked. Thinking like a man also led me to seek out an office manager instead of trying to run the office myself.

2) Consider bartering

If you're thinking, "I'd love to hire it out but I don't have the money" then consider bartering with a family member, neighbor of friend. If you're a gourmet chef but don't like to work in the yard, find someone who doesn't enjoy cooking but has a green thumb. You can offer to cook dinners in exchange for your friend planting your flower or vegetable garden. Start a child care co-op with other mothers with small children if you need help with child care. Get creative!

3) Shift your beliefs

Your thoughts may be perpetuating your feelings of guilt when you think about hiring out some of your tasks. Ask yourself these four questions to help you change your thinking and feel more freedom about getting additional help:

A) What situation is triggering the guilt?B) What is my underlying belief?C) Where does this belief come from?D) What is healthier belief?

Here is a personal example from my own life. After I had my first child, I was still wanting to finish my education but I needed some tools to sort through the guilt relating to hiring child care:What situation is triggering my guilt? Hiring a caregiver for my baby when I'm in class.What is my underlying belief? I should be with my baby 24 hours a day. A good mom is always with her baby and puts her own goals on hold.What is the origin of my belief? Cultural messages, beliefs of some family members.What is healthier belief? I am my son's primary caregiver, however, he will benefit from interacting with others, including his dad, grandparents, and other responsible adults.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic! Do you hire out any household responsibilities?


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