Helping Busy Moms Create YOU Time

Help for busy, overwhelmed women. Therapist Julie Hanks answers your questions and offers strategies to help you carve out time for yourself.

1) Include YOU in your circle of care

Self-neglect isn't a good long-term strategy for self-care. If you are committed to taking care of others for the long haul, then you need to include YOU as one of the people that you nurture and support.

2) Build it in

Set a recurring appointment with yourself and build in the support that you need to make it happen. Get a commitment from your husband for a certain time every week. Hire a teenage neighbor to come every Thursday afternoon for a few hours.

3) Get others on board

Let others have the opportunity to share the care giving responsibilities. If you tend to fall into the role of "caregiver" be sure to invite your family members to participate. If they are unwilling, ask extended family, your church or community group to pitch in.

4) Get creative

If you don't have resources to hire a babysitter, you may have to get creative. Barter with a neighbor. Swap childcare for making dinner one night a week.

What do you do to carve out time for you?

Watch YOU time part 2 here


Is YOU Time Selfish?


Are We Raising Divas? Studio 5