Television Appearances

How to Let Go of Labels: Studio 5

Have you ever noticed how much we label each other? Particularly as women, we tend to put each other in boxes: there's the Pinterest mom, the Amazon-Prime mom, the athlete mom, the working mom, the stay-at-home mom, and the list goes on. In life, we need to organize things to make sense of them in our brains, but it can be problematic when we try to categorize people as well. Human beings are multi-dimensional, and labels, even positive ones ("the pretty one," or "the smart one"), can be limiting. Here are some strategies to move beyond this and see each other as really people:

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Recognizing and Healing from Manipulative Relationships: Art of Connection

I recently sat down with Baya Voce, host of The Art of connection, to talk about narcissism, sociopathy, pathological lying, gaslighting and so much more. The biggest take-home message is that anyone can find themselves in a manipulative relationship, and you can heal.

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