Communities in Shock: Megan Huntsman Tragedy

canstockphoto12188317Recent events in Pleasant Grove surrounding the discovery of the remains of seven infants has shocked communities around the globe. It is impossible to comprehend how a mother could conceal seven pregnancies and end the life of six of her own children, as newborns. While this kind of situation is extremely rare, and many details surrounding Huntsman's situation are still unknown, Todd and Erin thought it might be helpful to share some community resources for women who have an unwanted pregnancy, who have delivered a baby they are unable or unwilling to care for, who are suffering from postpartum emotional disorders, or who have loved ones dealing with severe mental illness. Utah was among the first state to pass have safe haven law that allows parents to drop off their infant to any hospital with no questions asked and without legal action.Utah Safe HavenPostpartum Support InternationalUtah Alliance for Mental Illness


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