Setting and Achieving Goals: Mormon Channel Interview

Loved sitting down with Jennifer Stagg at the Mormon Channel recently to talk about how to make and keep goals.We toss around questions like...Why do we set and achieve goals in the first place? How can they help us? Why do people tend to fail at keeping their goals, even those that are vitally important to them? What advice would you offer to some as they are starting out with a goal? What spiritual resources can help people in achieving their goals? How can friends and family get involved to help out?My quick tip for successful goal setting is to set goals that you WANT to achieve, not that you SHOULD want to achieve. My 2015 New Year's Resolutions were:

  • Embrace my inner night owl by not scheduling commitments before 11am.
  • Unsubscribe from all e-mail newsletter lists that I don't open.
  • Use people's name more often in conversations.

So far I am rocking my resolutions :)Listen to the interview...[audio mp3="http://drjuliehanks.local/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2015-10-868-setting-goals-with-dr-julie-de-azevedo-hanks-october-21-2015-64k-eng1.mp3"][/audio]What are your tips for making and achieving goals?


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