How to Stop Snapping at Your Kids: KSL Mom Show

Every parent has lost their patience and snapped at their kid. Why do we do it? What's underneath  our impatience. Is there anything we can do to stop it? I chat with Lindsay about how to understand what's really going on and prevention strategies to avoid losing our temper. Listen to my this KSL Radio Mom Show with Lindsay Aerts.[audio mp3="http://drjuliehanks.local/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Why-We-Snap-at-our-Kids-and-How-to-Reduce-its-Frequency-November-6-2016-1.mp3"][/audio]Learn more about The Assertiveness Guide for WomenGet therapy in Utah at WasatchFamilyTherapy.comSchedule a coaching session with me


How to Start Your Own Family Holiday Traditions: KSL Mom Show


Mormon Women, Assertiveness, and Sex: Mormon Sex Info Podcast Interview