[Video] Is My Psychologist Out Of Line?

I have been in therapy since I was 14. I recently got a new therapist who is a guy, and I'm a girl. I'm now 16 and have been seeing him for about 6 months now to try and treat my depression and bulimia. At first I really liked him. But a couple of months back once he had gotten to know me better, he started touching me. And in no way do I mean sexually, but I don't like being touched by anyone. One time, he put his hand on my leg and I asked him to back off. He apologized and it was fine. He has asked me personal questions about my sex life, and encouraged me to answer them even though I didn’t feel comfortable doing so. I thought it was all part of the therapy, but when I thought about it, it kind of didn't make sense. I thought this man was a genuinely nice guy, but now I don't know whether he is a creep, or he is just an open person. He said he looks forward to seeing me every week because he thinks of me as a friend and that he can relax. He's told me heaps of stuff about his family, even showed me pictures of his kids. He's told me about his past... I don't know, maybe it's just me, but that kind of stuff doesn't seem normal, but he's such an understanding guy, not like your average creep and I do really like him. He's probably the best psychologist I've seen. Is this stuff normal? Help?

A: The short answer is "yes." There are some definite warning signs here so please listen to your gut feeling and talk to your parents about your concerns immediately. To hear my entire response, watch the video below...Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW


[Video] Why Do I Suddenly Start Crying?


Ask Julie: Never Alone But Always Lonely