5 Ways to Improve Female Friendships

Group of women on stairs celebrating female friendships

Women need women. Our first relationship experience was with our mother as we were forming in her body, and the need for female friendships and connections never goes away. You are wired and socialized to attend to relationships for survival purposes. But sometimes, women feel threatened by the very relationships we so desperately need.

Here are 5 tips on how to improve female friendships:

1) "Your Name is Safe with Me" 

Let your friend or family member know that you will guard her name in any conversation. If someone starts gossiping or even saying true things that don't need to be passed on, take a stand to protect her name and reputation. So often, female friendships fall prey to gossip or negative talk. Make a vow to not do that with your close friend.

2) Attend to the Details

Building female relationships means remembering the details, important dates, and concerns, and then following up with her about them. Asking how her child did on a big test, how her husband's job interview went, or how she is feeling about the run-in with her in-laws sends the message that you care about her.

3) Be Inspired (Not Envious) of Her Strengths

What makes your female friend, relative, or co-worker unique? Look for the things you admire in her, and express them directly to her. Did she just get a raise? Is she an extremely patient parent? Does she make time for her husband? Tell her all of the ways that you are inspired to be a better, stronger, and more confident woman because you know her.

4) Lean Toward the Awkward in Female Friendships

If there is an issue between the two of you, go toward it, and address it head-on. Resist the urge to take it to another friend.  If your female friend or family member said something that hurt your feelings, go to her instead of someone else to clear the air between you two. If you think you are protecting your friend's feelings by taking your concerns elsewhere, think again.

5) Diversify Your Female Relationships 

Just like romantic relationships, female relationships can be smothered by clinginess. To avoid feeling too dependent on one female friend or family member, remember to diversify your relationships. Make sure that you have other relationships that buoy you up when your female confidant is unavailable, is extremely busy, or is preoccupied with a personal problem. When you have other relationships to seek support from, you will be more likely to hold a space in your heart for your friend to return to when her crisis has passed.

I want to hear from you. How have YOU improved your female relationships? Let me know on my most recent Instagram post!

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