
25 Things NOT to Say to a Loved One Leaving the Church

There are some common phrases that believing loved ones say to loved ones leaving the Church that are often hurtful, even when they are said with positive intent. I’ve also worked with many people who have left the Church that long to hear certain thing from their family members.Here are 2 lists: what NOT TO say and TO say to a loved one leaving the Church. There’s an option to download PDF version that you can print out and share.

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The Highest & Holiest Calling: Q.MORE Podcast

I was thrilled to speak with Rosemary Card about motherhood, marriage, and cultural expectations of women within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Going off of my TEDxOgden Talk "The Costs of Idealizing Motherhood," we discussed some of the nuances of what it looks like to be a woman in the Church.

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Mormon Bishops Are Not Therapists: KUER News

In the fallout of the news that former White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter was physically violent to both his ex-wives, some have begun to question the wisdom of LDS Bishops counseling women in abusive relationships (reports indicate both women were encouraged to stay with their husbands). Working with women in private practice, I've heard of this kind of thing happening. It's embarrassing, it's infuriating, and it's my hope that this cultural moment of awareness and the #MeToo movement can spark social change. I shared some of my thoughts on this subject with KUER news.

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LDS Bishops' Interviews & Sexuality: Mormon Land Podcast

The #MeToo hashtag (and the subsequent exposing of many high-profile figures as sexual predators) has given us as a society a lot to grapple with. From a Latter-day Saint perspective, some are questioning how appropriate it is for bishops to be talking about sexual matters with young people (particularly girls). I recently sat down with former LDS bishop Richard Ostler to talk about these critical issues for the Mormon Land Podcast. Here are some highlights from our discussion:

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Assertiveness & Women's Sexuality: Mormon Sex Info Podcast

Sometimes Mormon culture seems to perpetuate the idea that women exist solely as a helpmeet or support person for others (namely their husband and children). We often define ourselves in relation to other people, and while it's wonderful to be focused on relationships, we may unintentionally begin to lose sight of own selves. When it comes

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"My Life Didn't Turn Out as Planned, Now What?"

A mid-life Mormon Mom, Elizabeth, thought life would turn out a certain way if she did the right things: marry, stay home with her children. Her husband is struggling with a porn problem and now, she facing the possibility of divorce. She asks me for help in knowing how to find herself and prepare for her next steps.

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Mormons and Shame: When You Feel You Don't Measure Up to the Ideal

There is nothing wrong with teaching ideals and one could argue that that is the primary job of religious institutions. However, in real life, holding up ideals often leaves members never feeling “good enough” because they have not achieved the ideal righteous Mormon life. Chronic feelings of “never good enough” because your life doesn’t look like an Ensign magazine cover, your child has left the Church, your spouse isn’t committed to church callings, you’re struggling with the word of wisdom, you’re having difficulty forgiving someone, you’re not a good provider, or you’re not an attentive mother or father, can erode our whole sense of self.

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Mormon Women and the Challenge of Assertiveness: A Thoughtful Faith Podcast

I had a delightful chat with the passionate and brilliant Gina Colvin, host of A Thoughtful Faith podcast a few days ago about Mormon women, particularly those from Utah, and the challenge of developing and using our own voices.

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When it Comes to Parenting, Worry is Not Love

One aspect of any good relationship is a sense of concern for the other person’s well-being. Parenting is no exception. It’s common to want to shield your child from pain, mistakes, and heartache and to foster happiness and success. However, as your child grows, the stakes get higher, and your control over their safety and their choices diminishes drastically. To deal with this lack of control, parents may turn to worrying (unease or anxiety over real or potential problems) as a consolation.

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