
Assertive and Authentic Communication After Faith Transition: Debrief Society Podcast

If you're struggling to communicate authentically and assertively with loved ones about changes in your faith or religious participation you might enjoy this new Debrief Society podcast interview. Becca and I discuss my new book The Assertiveness Guide for Women and how how questioning your faith or leaving the religious tradition of your family of origin can indicate movement toward a higher level differentiation of self (the ability to be an individual while staying connected to loved ones). We also cover cultural barriers to assertive communication (for LDS women in particular), how to deal with the silent treatment once you've talked to family members about your faith

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Your Voice Matters & the Gift of Resentment: Video Interview on

Delightful video interview with Mallory Grimste about the importance of women speaking up, how to learn from resentment, and personal experiences that inspired my new book The Assertiveness Guide for Women

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On Creativity, the Writing Process, Boundaries & More: PsychCentral Interview

The book features valuable suggestions and poignant real-life examples to help us speak up and effectively express ourselves. As I mentioned in my endorsement, I truly believe it should be required reading for all women and girls. Because setting solid boundaries isn’t something we’re normally taught. And yet it’s the foundation for everything: healthy relationships, a meaningful, fulfilling life.

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