
Assertiveness & Differentiation: How to Be Your Authentic Self in Relationships

Answering Your Questions About Balancing Marriage & Motherhood: Good Things Utah

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with my friends at "Good Things Utah" and answer some viewer questions that dealt with balancing a woman's marriage with her motherhood responsibilities. Here are some questions (and my responses to them):

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How Assertiveness Improves Relationships: Beyond The Couch Podcast

In order to understand what assertiveness is, I find that it's helpful to first identify what it isn't, as there are many misconceptions about it: it's not being pushy, aggressive, or demanding. It also doesn't just mean speaking your mind or telling people what you think. Instead, assertiveness refers to reflecting on your emotional history, understanding and managing your feeling, then expressing yourself in a way that will strengthen your relationships. It's a way of articulating what you believe while also allowing room for differences. Overall, assertiveness is a way of being your true self while also becoming closer to others.

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Normalizing the Challenges of Marriage: Elephant Talk Podcast Interview

Whether or not we admit it, everyone has problems in their marriages. Everyone. So many times, it seems that we think we're the only ones struggling in our relationship with our spouse, and this can cause intense feelings of shame and inadequacy.

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On Creativity, the Writing Process, Boundaries & More: PsychCentral Interview

The book features valuable suggestions and poignant real-life examples to help us speak up and effectively express ourselves. As I mentioned in my endorsement, I truly believe it should be required reading for all women and girls. Because setting solid boundaries isn’t something we’re normally taught. And yet it’s the foundation for everything: healthy relationships, a meaningful, fulfilling life.

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