
The Highest & Holiest Calling: Q.MORE Podcast

I was thrilled to speak with Rosemary Card about motherhood, marriage, and cultural expectations of women within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Going off of my TEDxOgden Talk "The Costs of Idealizing Motherhood," we discussed some of the nuances of what it looks like to be a woman in the Church.

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How To Avoid Being a "Momster" With Our Kids

I recently sat down with Lindsay Aerts of KSL's "The Mom Show" to discuss some ideas from my book "The Assertiveness Guide for Women," specifically assertiveness in parenting. We talked about how difficult it is can be to express ourselves to our children is ways that are effective and firm but still kind; no one wants to be a nag, a "momster," but sometimes it's a real challenge to keep our patience.

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