Creating a Partnership Family: Livlyhood Podcast

Earlier this summer, I had the chance to sit down with Britt Larsen from the Livlyhood Podcast to discuss one of my favorite topics: creating a partnership family! Here are a few highlights from our discussion:

What Is a Partnership Family?

A partnership family is one where all members support each other's goals and aspirations. Whereas a woman's family role has traditionally been to support the man and all the children, a partnership family means that she herself is supported as well. It also means that unpaid work (such as care-giving, household chores, emotional labor, and planning & scheduling for the family) is elevated as highly as paid work. A partnership family does not necessarily mean that things are a perfect 50/ 50 split, but is instead one where all contributions to the family are valued.

Forging A New Path

Britt and I discussed how when I was young, I realized that my own mother didn't seem to have much of a say and was instead relegated to a support role. I love and value my family of origin, but I knew early on that I wanted a different life for my future. When I got married, I didn't really have a family model to look to as an example of what I wanted, so for the past 30 years of marriage, my husband and I have been having a constant conversation where we often renegotiate responsibilities. It has not always been easy, and it truly is work, but I'm very pleased that in many ways, our family has been successful at supporting each other, and I have not had to choose between my children and husband and also my professional and creative pursuits.

As a therapist of 20 years, I know that a great deal of women experience burnout and resentment from not feeling supported or being overwhelmed by household responsibilities. If this is you, I want you to know that it is possible to renegotiate your family responsibilities so that the load is more equally shared and so that you too can fulfill your dreams. Listen to the full podcast episode here, and considering joining my Facebook group for a support community.


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