Podcast Interviews

Aspirational Shame in Motherhood: The Motherhood Tribe Podcast

I recently had the opportunity to discuss aspirational shame in mothers with Katy and Valerie of "The Motherhood Tribe" podcast. Aspirational shame is a topic I've written about for many years and refers to the feelings of guilt or unworthiness that some women experience when they have desires or ambitions outside of their home and family life.

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Raising Teens in a Mixed Faith Family: Marriage on a Tightrope Podcast

Following up on our last discussion about communicating with believing family members, I again sat down with Kattie and Allan of the "Marriage on a Tightrope" podcast to talk about some of the challenges of raising teenagers in a mixed faith family.

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How to Communicate Your Needs: Family Looking Up Podcast

I recently sat down with the ladies of "Family Looking Up" to discuss how women's assertiveness can help our families. The conversation included clearing up misconceptions about assertiveness (such as the false idea that it equates to being aggressive or selfish) and also how women can view their own needs as being equal to that of their children and their partner. If you're interested in learning more about how to improve your communication style, practicing self-compassion, and saying no without guilt, take a listen!

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Avoiding Unrighteous Dominion: Mormon Marriages Podcast

I recently sat down with Nate and Angilyn Bagley to discuss issues relating to unrighteous dominion in marriages. This phrase comes from the scripture in Doctrine & Covenants 121:9 that reads, "[w]e have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority...they will begin to recognize unrighteous dominion." 

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