It's no secret that this time of year can leave us feeling overwhelmed. From buying gifts to decorating the home and making cookies, we often feel burdened by extra responsibilities. Here are 5 ways to manage holiday stress:

Examine Your "Shoulds

Do you feel like you "should" send out Christmas cards or that you "should" make a turkey dinner? Take a look at the expectations you have for yourself and think about where they come from. The truth is that there is a lot you could do, but you are the one that gets to decide which you actually will do. Try not to get weighed down by the things you think you should do.

Schedule Downtime

Don't forget to plan on having some downtime for both you and your family. We don't have to run ourselves ragged doing every activity or event that we can. To have a more enjoyable holiday, let yourself rest!

Break Tradition

Sometimes family traditions don't serve our needs anymore. Don't be afraid to discontinue something if it's no longer fun or fulfilling for you or your family. You can even take the opportunity to start a new tradition!

Allow Others To Be Disappointed

Sometimes we become extra stressed trying to please everyone, but it's okay to not go to the party or the gathering if it's not right for you. If someone is disappointed, that's okay. Of course relationships matter, but it's also not your job to make everyone happy at the expense of your sanity.

Ask For Help

When it comes to wrapping presents, preparing food, or planning events, you don't have to go it alone! Ask a spouse, a friend, or a child for help with all the preparation. Or if you're feeling especially burdened, seek out a professional to help you better manage some of those difficult feelings.


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