How I Cure Burnout In My Life: #BurnoutCure Blog Tour

Julie Hanks & Chrisi HibbertI love having friends who are also "shrinks." They tend to be exceptional listeners, empathize easily, and give great advice! In addition to being a psychologist who specializes in women's mental health my friend Dr. Christina Hibbert is also a mother, a wife, a songwriter, and a member of the LDS church. Needless to say, when we first met about 8 years ago, we became fast friends (even though we live in different states). It was delightful answer Christi's questions. While you're on her website, read her amazing articles. She's working on finishing up her first book. Yay Christi! ---------> and yes, we're both goofballs!--->Read 'The Burnout Cure' author Q&A on DrChristinaHibbert.comCheck out other articles on my book blog tour 


What To Do When You're Overwhelmed: #BurnoutCure Blog Tour


Book Review & Giveaway #BurnoutCure Blog Tour Formerly Phread