
10 Signs of a Healthy Self

10 Signs of a Healthy Self

Your self is the core of who you are. Some people call it the soul or the spirit. Whatever you call it, it consists of the very best parts of you. I have found during my time working with LDS clients that the desire to avoid tension and conflict can sometimes hinder the development of a sense of self.

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Do Your Kids Define You?: Studio 5

Being a good parent requires a tremendous amount of time, love, and energy, but what happens when a Do your kids define you?well-meaning mom or dad becomes too enmeshed in their children's lives? Over-involvement can unknowingly do damage to kids, who then become responsible for their parents' well-being and happiness. On the other hand, parents who can draw a separation between themselves and their children are emotionally healthier and are actually able to give more to their families.

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