
Who's in Charge Here?: At Last She Said It Podcast

I recently got to speak with Cynthia and Susan of the "At Last She Said It" podcast about the topic of authority as it relates to receiving revelation for our lives. In our discussion, we talk about what to do when personal authority and general authority seem to conflict, how to differentiate while still remaining part of the Church community, and how to claim stewardship for our own lives.

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When A Child Comes Out As LGBTQ: Good Things Utah Interview

I recently sat down to discuss "Do's" and "Don'ts" of what to do and say when a child comes out as LGBTQ. This can be a difficult experience for parents, especially if they are surprised by it. Here are some ways to show love and support (as well as some things to avoid):

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LDS Bishops' Interviews & Sexuality: Mormon Land Podcast

The #MeToo hashtag (and the subsequent exposing of many high-profile figures as sexual predators) has given us as a society a lot to grapple with. From a Latter-day Saint perspective, some are questioning how appropriate it is for bishops to be talking about sexual matters with young people (particularly girls). I recently sat down with former LDS bishop Richard Ostler to talk about these critical issues for the Mormon Land Podcast. Here are some highlights from our discussion:

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