
Tips to Stop Arguing About Chores at Home

Tips to Stop Arguing About Chores at Home

Have you ever wondered, “How can I get my spouse to do more work around the house?” You are not alone. Here are tips to help you stop arguing over chores at home Dr. Julie Hanks shared on Good Morning Utah.

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Assertiveness & Women's Sexuality: Mormon Sex Info Podcast

Sometimes Mormon culture seems to perpetuate the idea that women exist solely as a helpmeet or support person for others (namely their husband and children). We often define ourselves in relation to other people, and while it's wonderful to be focused on relationships, we may unintentionally begin to lose sight of own selves. When it comes

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Dividing Household Labor in Families Q&A: Good Things Utah

To talk about how families can better share the load of family chores and unpaid work, we took to social media to see what our viewers' thought about these issues. Here are a few questions we received:

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How Families Can Share Household Responsibilities: Good Things Utah

I recently sat down with the hosts of "Good Things Utah" to discuss a concern in family life that many, many women seem to experience: the division of household labor.

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