
How To Support A Spouse With Mental Illness

In any given year, 1 in 5 Americans experiences mental illness of some kind (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.). Clearly, this is an issue that affects a great deal of us, particularly the loved ones of those suffering. And mental illness is more than just an individual problem; it is a family concern. Here are some ways to support a spouse or partner with mental illness:

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How to Let Go of Labels: Studio 5

Have you ever noticed how much we label each other? Particularly as women, we tend to put each other in boxes: there's the Pinterest mom, the Amazon-Prime mom, the athlete mom, the working mom, the stay-at-home mom, and the list goes on. In life, we need to organize things to make sense of them in our brains, but it can be problematic when we try to categorize people as well. Human beings are multi-dimensional, and labels, even positive ones ("the pretty one," or "the smart one"), can be limiting. Here are some strategies to move beyond this and see each other as really people:

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Making the Transition From Mom to Grandma: Studio 5

Everyone gushes about how being a grandma is the best thing ever...and honestly, I was skeptical. IS the best. It's like parenting, but only the good parts of parenting--the love, the joy, the snuggles. Grandparent is like parenting, but without the work, stress & expectations. It's only love & joy. My friends at KSL's Studio 5 invited me to show off baby pictures and gush about Kate, and to share some professional advice and tips I've learned in becoming a grandma.

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Managing Technology Overload: Studio 5

Have you ever looked around in a public place to see how many people were using their phones (texting, surfing the web, etc.)? It's usually a lot, and truthfully it can be a little discouraging to witness individuals staring at their screens instead of talking to one another. Please don't misunderstand, I am a huge advocate of technology; it's profoundly changed my life and career for the better! Still, we all know that things can get out of hand if we let them. Digital overload affects our ability to process information cognitively, to be mindful of our own experience, and to be present with other people. Here are some ways to help you manage your technology use (instead of letting it control you):

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Overcoming Insecurities Free Printable Worksheet

Did you see today's Studio 5 on Overcoming Insecurities? We all have at least a few areas where we feel less than confident. Here's the free worksheet I mentioned that walks you through the 5 questions to help you overcome an insecurity.To download a PDF version click here

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5 Ways to Cultivate More Optimism: Studio 5

We've all faked a smile to get past a rough patch, but there are ways to actually increase our happiness naturally. It's true that some people may be more prone to having a positive outlook- whether because of their genetics, environment, or upbringing. However, there are still strategies that all people can use in order to train themselves to "look up" a little more. Here are some ways to cultivate optimism in your life:

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